Over the next ten days I will be reaching out to my friends across Goa, on the need to ensure a stunning defeat of the Corrupt and Communal BJP at the Parliamentary elections on April 23rd and the polls to the three Assembly bye-elections which will also be held on that day.

Let us all unite regardless of caste and creed by working together, leaving aside our personal and petty differences for the sake of Goa and India to seize this opportunity to say enough is enough and restore our state and country to real democracy and good governance free of corruption and bigotry. We must ensure that we do not waste our precious Vote on AAP as it will only help the devious and deceitful BJP.

I would also appeal to Goans across the globe to request their family and friends in Goa to Vote for the Congress so that we can restore Democracy and the Rule of law in our great Country which very unfortunately is today in a state of undeclared democracy.  Narendra Modi and Amit Shah have taken the nation to dire straits just like their acolytes have done to our beautiful state of Goa with zero governance, rampant corruption and stagnation.

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