Just as the schools were recommencing after a very long break, now on account of the third wave of this long drawn pandemic, the hope of our students are again shattered. They are shunted back into distance learning by way of online classes. Nothing can replace classroom education and the role our teachers play in moulding our future in the Temples of Education and for that we always need to remember them with gratitude.

Great teachers can make a big difference in our lives, for besides making a lasting impression in the classroom they can have a positive influence in our life. Teachers are more than mere educators. They also play a role as a dear friend, counselor and mentor especially in these challenging times students face.

Fond memories of our dear teachers will forever linger. A regular teacher may merely direct us along the right path, but great teachers inspire and challenge us to carve out our path in life. Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.

We should always remain humbly and heavily beholden to all our dear teachers who imparted to us all their knowledge and guidance that has helped us immensely throughout our lives. To them all, we should very respectfully be ever indebted.

As Henry Brooks Adams, historian and politician once observed ‘Teachers affect eternity. No one can tell where their influence stops. And Bill Gates accurately opined that Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.

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