That bizarre statement that allowing children to attend a public meeting amounts to a criminal offence is outrageous to say the least. The knee-jerk swift action also by the Police in registering an F.I.R against the organizers of that public meeting which was held in Margao is highly condemnable. The cops acted without any application of mind and this scandalous F.I.R will be quashed by any Court. Tomorrow it will be contended that kids cannot view movies and attend dramas too. I recollect addressing my first public meeting when I was just 12 and there has been no looking back.
In the current very turbulent times that our nation is going through where our freedom of speech and expression is targeted to be clamped and trampled upon, it is the bounden duty of every citizen and more particularly the youth to rise to the occasion to safeguard the very fundamentals of our Indian Constitution.
If the current fascist regime is allowed to continue our country will no longer be a democracy. Having witnessed that 1975 State of Emergency, the current state of affairs is hundred fold worse and a matter of great concern. In Nazi regime, even children were not spared. A curious parallel?