The sordid happenings at Pathankhot over the last few days should be an eye opener.  India desperately needs a full time, dedicated and competent Defence Minister. The current incumbent who also merrily doubles up as the de- facto Chief Minister of Goa over the weekends has failed to ably lead the defence forces. His priority has been to keep himself embroiled in Goa’s petty municipal and panchayat politics. Manohar Parrikar relishes in inaugurating roads, culverts, all and sundry while lowering the esteem and honor the very high position of Defence Minister entails.

Not long ago while Narendra Modi was inking the Rafale fighter jet deal in France his Defence Minister was inaugurating a mobile fish stall in Goa.  When Modi went to Russia to sign the chopper deal, Manohar Parrikar was nowhere in sight. Probably, Modi chose to leave his Defence minister behind, lest he commits a gaffe.

After his disastrous three year tenure as Chief Minister of Goa, the awfully ego puffed Manohar Parrikar has ended up over the last year a catastrophe as Defence Minister of India. He has become a laughing stock and object of ridicule. It is high time Narendra Modi sees the writing on the wall and realises that India frantically needs a sincere, honest, competent and level headed Defence Minister.

The complete incorrect picture about Pathankhot that was sought to be given, that all operations were over, within a couple of hours, with some BJP MPs, going public in praising the Government, only to be exposed as falsehoods. The immature handling of the entire operation and the selective press leaks, still could not heal the damage done by the incompetent Defence Minister. For Manohar Parrikar, now to come out and claim that there were “some gaps” is nothing but confirming that the gap is caused due to his absence from Delhi on account of his regular hobnobbing in Goa.

Mere fact that Manohar Parrikar supported Narendra Modi for his anointing as Leader and future PM, ought not to have allowed Modi to lose his balance with this vital appointment. The position as Defence Minister is surely, not a Chairmanship of a Corporation. Nor is it for someone who seeks to play the role of a cowboy.

Manohar Parrikar gave us all those tall sermons on Zero tolerance to Corruption, but the rampant corruption which has ebbed to the peak is there for all to see. It is time for him to gracefully pack off and hang up his very soiled boots.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln ‘You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”



  1. That DM is a frequent flyer to Goa is know fact . Being a DM of India should keep a highly capable man busy but he finds time to meddle in Goa affairs.This clearly shows he is egoistic and will not allow local issues slip up his hands.

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