We can only blame ourselves for the sad direction in which Goa has been drifting and now reached a point of no return. Our silence is allowing those in Power to use their brute majority to bulldoze their vicious plans which are fundamentally against Goa and Goans.
It is pertinent that we stand up to this injustice and dare to speak up. Standing by our rights and for the Truth is no sin, at least in the eyes of God. Our silence is unforgivable at a time when our Goa is bleeding and desperately crying for help. In the current circumstances we cannot remain mere spectators to the deliberate devastation and destruction of our land, our economy, our rule of law, our infrastructure, our health, and well-being, our political stability and even our social cohesion and religious harmony.
We should be ready to sacrifice it all for our Goa. We should rather die with a hope, rather than have hope to die inside us. We owe it to our Goa, to ourselves and to our future generations.
As the legendary Martin Luther King Jr advised ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter’. ‘A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right, for justice and for that which is true’.
We need to relentlessly battle against injustice and corruption. Each of us must go someday, but Goa must live forever, truly liberated from injustice, corruption, and nepotism, all sadly a way of life today with so many Silly Souls around. When Governments fail the people that elect them in good faith, then it must be down to the people to take back control and rectify these failures.