In a few months Goa will go to the polls to elect its 40 MLAs and a government for the next five years. Propriety demands that the current government in its dying days does not initiate any new projects and lay cosmetic foundation stones to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.

It would be prudent to just complete the projects underway. It is unfair to try and hoodwink voters with false and fake promises which never can be a reality. It is also highly improper to create new financial liabilities at a time when the economy is in shambles with the State on a borrowing spree. Anything and everything just for sheer political expediency is just not acceptable.

Goa’s cash strapped exchequer finds its coffers empty and is debt-ridden. The next government will find itself with a Herculean task managing the State’s skewed finances. Having miserably failed on all fronts, this government has a lot to account for having allowed the decay and destruction of Goa while having abdicated in its bounden duty to protect the State and its people.   In the run up to the Assembly elections we will be witnessing a heightened flurry of political activity. Politics makes strange bedfellows. Over the last few years we have seen Political Prostitution to the hilt. Even those in the world’s oldest profession struggle to keep up with our politicians.

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