Rapes and Murders have become the order of the day. The recent gruesome Hyderabad gang rape and murder of a lady veterinarian has further sullied the reputation of our nation. That the alleged four rapists had a quick and swift encounter with the law has come as a relief and spared the state exchequer from a looming financial burden. There was rightly a nationwide uproar and demand that the four rapists be hanged. And now it has all ended up as a virtual death sentence without requiring a trial.

The rising crime graph across the nation is a matter of concern and the situation will only worsen as long as the nexus between politicians and criminals is not aborted. The wheels of Justice continue to turn exceedingly slowly with many twists and turns along the way with politicians and other vested parties doing everything to make political and personal capital.

The Supreme Court has time and again reiterated the intention to cleanse the political spectrum of criminally tainted persons but has not been able to achieve the desired results. Our political leaders as law makers should lead by example and be role models but even in a small State like Goa we have a couple of Ministers charge sheeted for serious offences and the MLA of our capital city is facing Rape charges. Crime must never pay and nobody must be above the law. Justice must be done and be seen to be done to protect our vulnerable citizens.

But there is no hope whatsoever that our polity and political turf will ever improve. It is only further deteriorating and awfully decaying by the day. The unacceptable antics and behavior of some of our politicians in recent times has turned it into a despised profession and looked upon with disdain and held in low esteem by the very people that they are meant to serve. Some years  ago Supreme Court Judges B.N.Agarwal and G.S.Singhvi had observed that even God cannot save our country from such politicians. Amen

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