Last weekend our dear Director General of Police Pranab Nanda while on a visit to Delhi passed away after a massive heart attack. Protocol demanded that Chief Minister Pramod Sawant should have attended the cremation or at least deputed a Senior Minister as Pranab Nanda was Goa’s serving DGP.  It is very unfortunate that Pramod Sawant who finds the time for all and sundry to even inaugurate shops and restaurants overlooked and breached this much required etiquette.

The late Pranab Nanda was a very humane officer who always had the welfare of his police at heart. The police constabulary in particular have lost a caring friend.  Some officers within the department have been sabotaging the wellbeing and welfare of the police force. This is impermissible and if it persists those officials will have to be named and shamed. The uncaring treatment meted out to the police force is a clear and blatant Human Rights violation. No modern civilized democratic society should find it acceptable that politicians that legislate and create laws should be immersed in all sorts of luxurious privileges, financial benefits and enormous perks while those that are employed to uphold and enforce those laws and protect our citizens namely our hard working police are at the opposite end of the spectrum enslaved and overstretched while earning a pittance in pitiable working conditions.

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