It should always be our firm resolve with added vigour to carry on highlighting any injustice that we see and nothing should deter us and our commitment in this regard. Fighting injustice is no easy task but nothing and nobody should be able to intimidate us. We should never be cowed down by any threats of consequences that we may have to face for speaking out fearlessly.

We should never hesitate in public interest to take on even the powerful and mighty over issues that concern the well being of Goa. Any attempt to intimidate must only make us stronger and embolden our resolve to stand up against the powers to be. At times one pays a heavy price fighting public causes but we need to maintain that spirit and keep on battling. 

When highlighting an issue, it is bound to hurt some individuals but one has to have the spine to speak out against anything that is wrong while believing what the Sufi mystic Kabir said “Jako rakhe Sai, maar sake na koi” (None can harm him who is looked after by higher Powers).

Life is a very short voyage, a journey, the end of which we know not. So let’s keep up the fight. We owe it to our Goa, or else posterity may never forgive us for having silently allowed what remains of our once beautiful State to just pass away.

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