That recent trip to Kerala was a very wonderful experience but the most memorable occasion on that short voyage down South was the occasion of being able to meet and having a lively gregarious interaction with a legend, the 96-year-old renowned Neurosurgeon Dr. Kumaran Bahuleyan. That meeting will be unforgettable.
The life history of this extraordinary doctor is amazing and should be an eye opener for us all that given our perseverance and focus in life, nothing is impossible with Sky being the limit.
Dr. Kumaran Bahuleyan’s home village is Chemmanaka at Vaikom in Kottayam District where this great accomplished Doctor was born. With a firm view that the purpose of philanthropy is to improve the wellbeing of humankind by preventing and solving social problems, Dr. Bahuleyan set aside $20 million of his own to start the Bahuleyan Foundation. His first project was a clinic catering to women and children. Later, he built new roads, improved sanitation facilities, a potable water supply system, and later established the Indo-American Brain and Spine Hospital in his home village. Today, it is a 220-bed super-specialty hospital and one of the premier institutes in South India. In 2004, he set up the Kalathil Lake Resort, the profits are used to fund the hospital. At 96, the still energetic and lively Dr Bahuleyan spoke of his plans to expand the hospital and the resort too
On March 5, 2024 this legend will be completing 97 years and surely will celebrate the great occasion at his own Kalathil Lake Resort which is just next to the grandiose hospital he has been running to serve the Community at large. Dr Bahuleyan travelled far and wide and earned millions but never ever forgot his roots. This greatness of this outstanding human is for us all to imbibe.