It is always wonderful to see students energetically participating in extracurricular activities. All the more in today’s educational arena where students have to grapple with voluminous syllabus, extra classes and never-ending project work to race with deadlines. Infact every educational Institute should endeavour to encourage students to unravel their talents by associating in extracurricular activities. It is also imperative that in this challenging and competitive world our students venture way beyond the classroom and textbooks.
Kudos to those seven students of Goa College of Architecture whose music was delightful to hear while they performed last week and were selected in the qualifying round in that contest organised by the National Association of Students of Architecture. They will now participate in the finals being held at Bangalore next week. This budding team comprises of Vera de Noronha, Mariah Gonsalves and Ansh Volvoikar (all vocals) with Tenecia Afonso (Keyboard), Erwin de Souza(base), Joshua Mascarenhas (Drums) and our Raibandar’s Shawn D’Sousa (Electric guitar).
Winning or losing contests do not matter. It is the spirit of sportsmanship and the drive to put your best that will win you laurels from the audience. It is going to be a fierce contest for that ‘Battle of Bands’ Trophy. May every student be humbly inspired and guided by those words of the great Musician Zakir Hussain “Every time you step out on to the stage, you learn something which helps you grow and be a better communicator. It’s not like you’re the master. You’re always a student”.