Goa Governor PS Sreedharan Pillai has stated that selection to all government posts must be strictly on merit but has not said how he plans to ensure this. Governor Pillai must exercise his Powers to make sure this happens.

Governor Pillai by being proactive could have intervened while before the recent Assembly elections hundreds were brazenly recruited into government service with merit thrown to the winds. It was dishing away jobs to those who crept in by paying cash or with the blessings of their political godfathers. Governor Pillai must also ensure that the Goa Staff Selection Commission (GSSC) does not continue to be dysfunctional.  

Any political interference and manipulation in the selection of government employees is unacceptable, it being very unlawful. Infact the selection, promotion and transfer of all government employees must be totally insulated from any political machinations whatsoever. It should be all strictly on merit and merit alone should be the sole guiding criteria. Politically orchestrated recruitment is illegal as the whole process must be absolutely transparent so that only the best and brightest end up in government service to serve the public.

Staff at every government office must always be of the highest caliber defending neutrality and impartiality by never being manipulated by the ruling party. This is vital for good governance if the public who are the real paymasters are to have any faith and trust in the civil service and feel that they are getting value for money and a good return for the high taxes being paid.

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