As a lawyer and an officer of the Court, I am very immensely anguished that at least one awfully rotten Apple has sneaked into presiding over a solemn Temple of Justice in Goa’s Judiciary.

The sordid case at hand is in the Panaji Court. Regardless of the merits of your case, if you want to be guaranteed of a favorable Court order and are ready to pay that hefty bribe, you must ensure that your case is allotted to that particular Judge in Panaji’s Spaces building.

Then all that you have to do is to beg, borrow or steal and meet that Police constable turned now High Court Government advocate husband of that Judge and negotiate the deal with him.

The only silver lining is that once you pay that bribe, the order in your favour is assured. It’s 100% guaranteed. And that order will be scripted not by the Judge but by her Steno who is directed which way the verdict should go.  A very sorry state of Goa’s Judiciary. Amen


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