Very disturbing and extremely anguishing is the ongoing turmoil within the Parishioners of Sancoale over the controversial sudden alternative arrangements being made for the ensuing Feast of St Joseph Vaz scheduled for January 16th.
I am personally outraged and very saddened the manner in which the Goa Church without a proper consultative process has mishandled this entire issue without aptly and democratically caring to address the very genuine concerns of the Parishioners of Sancoale.
Infact given that over the years the numbers of the Roman Catholic faithful in Goa like elsewhere has been fast dwindling with the flock straying way elsewhere, it was incumbent on the Church to travel that extra mile to reach out to its very fast diminishing flock.
Let us hope, His Grace the Archbishop of Goa Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao will display that much needed sense of Prudence to humbly reconcile with his folk in Sancoale just the manner in which our Dear Pope Francis has been reaching out and not remain aloof nor a mute spectator in the on-going turmoil.
Our Church needs to tune with the times and wisen up to reality that it cannot end up being a ruthless political tool. Over to you, Our Grace the Archbishop of Goa Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao.