Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar says that he is very confident of winning the Panaji by-election by a massive margin of over 8000 to 9000 votes and that Girish Chodankar will definitely lose his deposit.  So  according to Manohar Parrikar it means that Girish Chodankar would not poll even 2590 votes, the 1/6 of the total 15538 votes which by law is required to safeguard one’s deposit.  If all this is to come true on 28th August when the votes are counted and Manohar Parrikar is proved right, than all we can do is to sing the last song for a doomed Goa.

Any further struggle to Save what remains of Goa would well be an exercise in futility. After all people choose to have what they deserve; and if the Soul is for sale no Saviours can be ever be of any avail.

Some politicians will be remembered for the good they have done for Goa, but posterity will never forgive the current bunch of ruling politicians for their selfish role in the irreparable damage and destruction of what was once known as beautiful Goa, the Paradise of the East.

Politics today is no longer a Mission but has become a ruthless business, with morals and ethics twisted beyond recognition, thrown to the winds or long buried deep in the slush of ignorance and thuggery. And if the people of Goa are happy with all this sordid state of affairs, so be it.


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