Wishing Dr V.N Jindal all the very best on the starting of his new clinic. Dr Jindal on 31st July 2014 retired as the Dean of Goa Medical College after his over three decade long magnificent association with one of Asia’s oldest medical college. Dr Jindal is credited to giving birth to the Neuro surgery department at the Goa Medical College and outstandingly taking it to immense heights from the very scratch. Today Goa is amongst the only twelve hospitals in the country having Super Specialty training in Neurosurgery. Dr Jindal needs to be commended for the wonderful combination of both professional and personal attention with passion he gives everyone he meets.
As Dean of Goa Medical College, the very soft spoken yet firm administrator Dr Jindal tried his best in administering the right doses to get the ailing Goa Medical College on the road to full recovery. He did everything possible to resuscitate it but the chronic political interference has been detrimental to the health of Goa’s premier medical institution. The continued Political intrusion and meddling in even the day to day working, continues to be the main impediment to the well being of Goa Medical College.
The very renowned neurosurgeon par excellence Dr Jindal, who over the years having scanned and mastered the mind set of Goa’s politicians, however had the nerve to firmly resist undue political interference.
The very distinguished Dr Jindal’s mission of saving lives through neurosurgery must go on. He has been a God sent invaluable gift to Goa.